Thursday, February 19, 2009

Transformation - a Fundamental Concept in Coaching!

Hello, Magnificent Coaches!

This K-Cast brings you into a conversation between me, and Melissa Nuwaysir, a Life Transitions and Transformation Coach who inspires others to live their fullest, most compassionate lives. She received her credential as a Certified Professional Coach from the International Coach Academy in December of 2008, and holds an Associate in Logotherapy (meaning-centered living) from the Viktor Frankl Institute in Dallas, Texas and Pretoria, South Africa.

As the spouse of a Foreign Service employee she lived in Africa for 11 years before returning to the United States last year. Melissa's website, is expected to be up and running soon. In the meantime, should you wish to contact her, you can do so by sending her an email to: You can also reach her by phone at (703) 533-3276, or via Skype. Her i.d. is: melissa.nuwaysir.

She joined me with the following questions:

1. What does the word "transformation" mean to you? How do you define it?

2. Where, how, and/or when have your experienced transformation in your own life?

3. What triggers transformation?

4. How do you facilitate transformation in your clients?

5. Are there any particular tools, methods or approaches you've used that seem to work best?

One of my favorite quotations about this experience comes from Wayne Dyer, who wrote:

"Transformation literally means going beyond your form."

It truly is a life-changing, spiritual experience.

As coaches, we are privileged to share in the transformation of our clients. And in so doing, we ourselves are transformed. It's a joyous process for us all, isn't it?

Until next time...

Love and Great Joy,


P.S. If you'd like to join me in a coaching-related conversation, contact my VA, Kim Stacey, at She'll be delighted to explore possible topics with you, and set up a time for us to 'chat'!

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Thursday, February 05, 2009

How Do You "Get the Word Out" to Your Target Market?

Hello, Magnificent Coaches!

Welcome to February. I certainly hope this second month of
the year finds you feeling wonderful, and focused on growing
your coaching practice.

This first K-Cast for the month brings Nanci Biddle
back as my guest interviewer. Her first K-Cast with me was
published back in October of last year - Halloween day, to be
exact. You can find that October, 2008 K-Cast in the Archive for
that month.

You many remember Nanci is known as "The Boundary Queen,"
and she coaches women who find themselves pulled in too many
directions. Her Web site is

In the current K-Cast, Nanci presents me with the following
questions - all of which are extremely valuable to coaches who are
looking for innovative ways to reach their niche market.

1. What would be other great ways to get the word out besides
doing a free teleclass?

2. I want to do group coaching for caregivers, where would I
find them and how would I create an interest?

3. What ideas do you have for creating a workbook (funbook) for
the group?

4. How many group coaching teleclasses would be most helpful?

5. Is this group coaching or a program if I'm implementing a

I hope you enjoy this newest K-Cast interview, and that you can
take a moment to post a comment for us.

Remember to click on the TITLE BAR to stream the audio, or
"Right Click" to download it to your computer!

Love and Great Joy,


P. S. If you're interested in participating in a K-Cast
recording session, please send an email to Kim Stacey,
my VA, at:
I guarantee that it's lots of fun!

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