Monday, May 21, 2007

Spiritual Intelligence

Please click on the title bar/link, to begin listening to this week's K-Cast. Or, if you prefer, right-click, and download to your computer for later listening!

Hello Magnificent Coaches

This week, I am once again interviewed by Henry Grossek, for his
broadcast, Viewpoints.
"Viewpoints" airs on 3SER 97.7FM, from Australia, and can also be accessed online by logging on to and following the links.

For this interview, Henry wanted to discuss the topic of Spiritual Intelligence, one of my favorite subjects. Not only did we have a wonderful time together via the phone lines, but we touch on some truly important issues for coaches and entrepreneurs - for anyone, really!

Some of the questions that Henry asked were:
  • What is Spiritual Intelligence?
  • How does it differ from EQ and IQ?
  • And, more does it serve us?
  • Is SQ the same as religion?
  • How do you go about connecting with your SQ?
  • Is it a simple process to reach beyond the cognitive into the spiritual?
  • What are the results of living in alignment with your spiritual values? And when you're not in alignment?
If you've ever been curious about Spiritual Intelligence in your own life or coaching practice, I know that you will receive value from this K-Cast.


Love and great joy,


If you'd like to interview me on a topic of your choice, please send an email to Kim Stacey will gladly set a date and time for us!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Spiritual Self Care in Coaching

Please click on the title bar/link, to begin listening to this week's K-Cast. Or, if you prefer, right-click, and download to your computer for later listening!

Hello, Everyone!

This week I’m interviewed by Julie-Anne Woods, of She specializes in Self-Care Coaching, bringing her clients “over the bridge from the inner to the outer world.” Fascinating!

The questions she asks of me are:
  • What are the principles of Spiritual Self Care?
  • When we act from a place of commitment to Spiritual Self Care what will change in our lives?
  • How does our relationship to our deeper self as a coach play out in the coaching relationship with our clients?
  • What is it to be spiritually connected?
  • What is Spiritual Grounding?
  • How can we best anchor ourselves to our Spirit during those times when we are most stressed?
  • What are the important things to remember to do and/or be when this happens?
Julie-Anne and I had a wonderful time together during the interview, and we hope you enjoy listening, and find our remarks fruitful in building your own connection to Spirit.
Certainly, everything you attempt flows more smoothly and easily, when you’re deeply connected to your inner Self.

By the way, if you’d like a copy of the Standards of Presence, click here.

Love and great joy,


If you'd like to interview me on a topic of your choice, please send an email to Kim Stacey will gladly set a date and time for us!

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Using Speaking Engagements in Practice Development

Please click on the title bar/link, to begin listening to this week's K-Cast. Or, if you prefer, right-click, and download to your computer for later listening! This week's audio file is larger than the usual K-Cast. It may take longer to download, please be patient. Thank you!

Hello Magnificent Coaches!

You probably already know that speaking engagements are a very easy
way to get in front of your choice clients and promote coaching,
your services and products.

In fact, I am giving a presentation on this at the Resource
Realizations Conference this weekend in Flagstaff, Arizona. As I
have gone about preparing for this presentation, I was inspired to
remind you of the value of speaking engagements to your practice

I wanted to find out just how lucrative some of my speaking
engagements have been, so I looked at one presentation that I had
done two years ago at Canyon Ranch here in Tucson. And at that
time, I had no products to promote, only my coaching services. On
top of that, we were not allowed to 'market' our services as a
guest lecturer.

Well, that particular night, I did a presentation on Empowering
Communication. In fact, it is the same presentation that is part
of the Speeches To Go information product coming out next month.
After I gave the presentation, I had two people approach me and ask
me about coaching services. One was a man in his 30's who was very
successful in IT sales and was ready to settle down. He wanted to
know if I could coach him on finding a relationship that would lead
to marriage. The other person was a former doctor's wife who was
looking for a new career.

I am happy to say that both of these individuals became clients.
The IT salesperson got married last month and the woman is planning
on going back to school soon to pursue her new career.

I am also happy to say that when I looked back at my accounts, that
one presentation generated over $10,000 in coaching fees. And that
was without any products and without the ability to market.

Because I have been thinking about this topic, I have asked Kim to
upload an audio from the Be Inspiring Now teleseminar that I held
last year to our audio blog. Some of you may have even attended
that one. I'd like you to have a listen and refresh your knowledge.
And if you did not hear it the first time, I think you will really enjoy
the information.

And let me know what you may be inspired to do.
Just send an email to I'd love to
know how you are using speaking engagements in your practice

Thanks for all you are and all you do for the world. It is always a
privilege to be with you on this journey, and I am grateful for
each coach that goes out into the world and brings a little bit
more light.

Love and Great Joy,


If you'd like to interview me on a topic of your choice, please send an email to Kim Stacey will gladly set a date and time for us!

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