Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How a Virtual Assistant Can Help You Grow Your Business

Hello, Everyone!

The subject of this K-Cast is one that has been the focus of many inquiries - both for me, and for my VA, Kim Stacey. Quite often we get asked, what does a VA do? And, where do I find one? Today, with the help of my guest, we'll answer these questions...and quite a few more!

My guest is Stefany Burrowes, CMC, PCC. She is the owner of Sensational Wisdom, Creative Coaching & Collaboration, and specializes in coaching creatives of all kinds - artists, actors, and
entrepreneurs. Stefany lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and you can reach her at 505.474.3752 or stefany@sensationalwisdom.com
. You can also learn more about the acting community where Stefany thrives at the Theater Salon.

She came to the K-Cast "table" with these questions about working with a Virtual Assistant, often called a "VA":

1. How can they help me grow my business and make more money?

2. Where and how do you find good VA’s?

3. What should I look for in a VA?

4. How do I know that I have found the right person to work with?

5. When should I run the other direction?

6. Should I interview several VA’s?

7. What should I ask them?

8. What are the essential elements of an effective relationship with a VA?

9. How do I do this if I am overwhelmed, but not making much money?!

10. How does the VA document the hours and work done?

11. How does the VA bill me? Monthly? Hourly?

12. How much do they charge?

Remember to click on the Title Bar to stream the audio, or "right-click" to save to your computer. Either way, by the time you finish with this K-Cast, you'll know more about easily bringing in the support you need with a VA, and how doing so can enrich your business, and your life.Consider the possibilities: less overwhelm, and more time to relax, rejuvenate and reconnect with your inner self.

I know you'll find listening rewarding - and we'd love to read your comments, should you feel inspired to leave them.

Love and Great Joy,


P.S. I wanted to thank all the coaches who have agreed to participate in future K-Casts with me.

My VA and I are setting up appointments now - and if you've not heard from us, don't despair. We're putting together a calendar of openings and will respond to you a.s.a.p.

If you've not yet decided to participate, or are curious as to whether your topic/questions will be of interest to our listeners, please send an email to Kim at: assistant@karencappello.com. Let's explore the possibilities together!

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