Friday, August 29, 2008

Using the Law of Attraction to Become a Six Figure Coach

Hello Magnificent Coaches,

Welcome to another K-Cast with me and my fabulous guest Dawn Allen. Dawn is a certified Law of Attraction coach and founder of Inspired Heart Coaching. Dawn helps entrepreneurs create fulfilling relationships and find the love of their life. Dawn expertly supports you in identifying blind spots of resistance, eliminating self-sabotaging behaviors, and helping you get unstuck. You can discover more about Dawn at

Being a LOA coach, Dawn wanted to discuss how I applied the Law of Attraction in creating my own successful six figure coaching practice. Some of the specific areas that she wanted to know about were,

  • Was there one way you used the law of attraction to start attracting your perfect clients in the beginning of your business?
  • How have you used the law of attraction to build your own business?
  • What part, if any, of the law of attraction, do you think helped you get to six figures so quickly as a coach?
  • Was there a particular area of your business that you ever struggled with that the law of attraction helped you resolve or overcome?
  • Has there been a particular teacher or author who has had a high impact on your business that you think others would benefit from listening to or reading?
As many of you already know, this one of my favorite topics and while there is a lot of information out there on this subject, if you're like me, you never get tired of learning more.

It is my desire that this K-cast support you in taking your understanding of the Law of Attraction to an even deeper level. I hope that after listening, you come away with a greater awareness of how to create more success in your own business.

Remember to click on the title bar of the post to listen, or "right-click" to download the file to your computer.


Love and Great Joy,

P.S. Thank you Dawn, for all of the wonderful questions and the great discussion.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How Can You Have a Healthy Practice in a Down Economy?

Hello Magnificent Coaches

In this audio presentation, I'm joined by Joanne Stein, known to her friends as "JP." She is a motivator for joy, prosperity and success who focuses on helping people to reduce the stress in their life. Her Web site is:

Joanne brings a number of questions to the table, all revolving around this focal point: the often-discussed economic downturn affecting the country - and some say the globe.

Her first question is...
  • How do you stay positive when the media is endlessly focusing on an economic downturn?
JP then turned the conversation more directly to my own experiences, with a series of questions you may resonate with.

  • What specific things did you do to "keep your eye on the prize"when your outflow far exceeded your inflow?
  • What gave you the courage to move forward during your own life challenges?
  • When coaching your clients, do you share your personal experiences about overcoming financial, health or relationship issues to give your clients hope that they too can move beyond their present situation?

And, we closed the K-Cast interview with this most engaging question:

  • What are your thoughts about adjusting fees during a major fluctuation in the global economy?

To discover how I keep my own coaching practice thriving, despite the economic climate, simply click on the title bar above.

I'd love to hear from you on the issues raised by Joanne's brilliant questions. If you'd care to share your personal experiences, or thoughts about the economy and how it affects your coaching fees - just click on the "comments" link.

Remember to click on the title bar of the post to listen, or "right-click" to download the file to your computer.

Love and Great Joy,
