Thursday, November 13, 2008

Valuable Insights about Your Future Information Products

Hello Magnificent Coaches,

Welcome to another new K-Cast!

For this first K-Cast for November, Carma Spence-Pothitt, The Product Midwife, joins me to ask some great questions around information product creation for coaches.

Carma helps entrepreneurs and budding entrepreneurs "give birth" to their unique products and services. She helps them move forward within the product/service life cycle from "conception" to "birth" and beyond. Her website is

Here are some of her questions:

  1. Are product/marketing funnels important for coaches when they first start out?
  2. How do beginning coaches set up their first product/marketing funnel?
  3. Is it important to have every product within the funnel set up and ready to go before launching any of them?
  4. What is the best type of lead generation product, or "ethical bribe," for beginning coaches to use?

Listen in to this engaging conversation. I'll think you'll find it informative.

Remember, click on the title bar to listen to the streaming audio, or right-click to save it to your computer for later listening.


If you're interested in creating you're own information products but aren't sure how to get started, you might want to check out:

Love and Great Joy,


P.S. We're always on the 'lookout' for K-Cast participants! If you're interested in joining me in the fun, send an email today, at:

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