Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Coach as Artist

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Hello, Magnificent Coaches!

The second K-Cast for August finds me joined in conversation
with Almah LaVon Rice, the founder of Owl Dance and Moon:
Creativity Coaching. You can learn more about
Almah and her coaching practice here.

She coined "eco-ecstatic creativity coaching" to describe the
coaching techniques she uses to help clients establish playful,
joyous rapport with the creative forces of Nature and the worlds

Here are her questions:

1. How is the coach like an artist?

2. How do you spark clients' creativity and ability to generate
options when they're feeling blocked, stuck, and stumped?

3. How do you balance innocence (spontaneity, creativity,
curiosity, no "agenda") and mastery (experience, credentials,
knowledge) as a coach? How can you be fresh and daring ...and be
confident about the value you're offering?

4. How do you "co-create" with Spirit (or allow yourself to be a
creative channel) in your coaching sessions?

5. What is coaching's role in composing a new world? How can
coaching set the stage for positive, visionary social/ecological

Absolutely marvelous questions; the answers take you deep within
to explore the creative being within. Almah and I invite you to
listen in, and enjoy!

Love and Great Joy,



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