Saturday, April 11, 2009

Group Coaching: What Keeps Them Coming Back for More

Hello, Magnificent Coaches!

Please be aware that this K-Cast is longer than most, topping out at about 40 minutes; so if it takes a bit longer to download, don't be dismayed. As always, you'll click on the title bar to listen via streaming audio, or right-click, to download to your computer.

So, now it's time to introduce my guest, Christie James, a Life and Leadership Coach with her company, Moving Ideas into Action. She caters to small businesses, helping them to recognize their values, establish their goals and create their game plan. Christie can be reached via her website, which is

Christie came with these questions:

1. What is your definition of Group Coaching and how is it different
from one-on-one?

2. What does a successful coaching group look like?

3. What is your role? And that of the group and individuals?

4. What skills do you use?

5. What is a Mastermind and how is it different from Group

6. Do you select a topic for each session or just go where the
group leads?

8. How do you assure everyone's needs are met?

9. What do you do when members don't feel their individual needs
are being met?

10. What are some other sticking points?

11. Why do you keep coming back for more?

I hope you'll find every minute fun, and insightful.

And, let me say...if you're looking for a resource to put
group coaching to work in your practice, I've developed a program
worth it's weight in gold. You can learn more at:

Until next time!

Love and Great Joy,


P.S. I wanted to thank all the coaches who have agreed to participate in
creating K-Casts with me. We've had a wonderful time with all of you!
If you've been on the fence until now, or have just discovered the
perfect topic to explore with me, please send an email to Kim at: She'll do her best to bring us together!


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