Monday, January 26, 2009

Soar with me on the Wings of Peace

Hello, Magnificent Coaches!

My good friend and soul sister Sharon McWilliams sent me an original song right before Christmas. This is a song that Sharon composed and is recorded by her brother Jerry.

The song is called Wings of Peace, and it's a lovely guided song with a very high vibration. I found myself putting the song on ‘repeat’ and just immersing myself in the feel of it.

Sharon ( is a Coach For Life certified life coach and a Reiki master. She has given me this song to share with you. Please accept it as our gift to you. I hope it brings you as much peace and healing as it has for me.

(You can learn more about this song, and the singer, at

Love and Great Joy,


P.S. Click on the title bar to stream the audio, or right-click to save it to your computer.

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lessons Learned from Coaching Leaders

Hello Magnificent Coaches!

Welcome to the second K-Cast for the month of January. This is a rather unusual K-Cast, in two ways: it's twice as long as normal (necessary to deal with the topic), and the format is more of a "dialog" rather than the normal Q & A format.

My guest in this audio event is Mark Walztoni, a certified executive coach and an all-around remarkable man. He has a national coaching practice, focused on assisting organizations and leaders to thrive during every career challenge. These challenges include joining a new organization, assuming a new role, leading a team during a merger or acquisition, and forming or accelerating a global or virtual team.

For more information about Mark and his firm’s services, visit or contact him at (505) 466-2695 or at

Mark's extensive experience, in working with leaders to accelerate their successes, brings him to the k-cast with a desire to address these questions - among many others:

"Several research studies indicate that over half of newly hired and promoted leaders fail within the first 18 months in a new role. What are some of the common reasons that a new leader would fail?"
"How is coaching a new leader different from coaching someone who's been in their position for over 2-3 years?"
"How do you begin a typical coaching assignment with a new leader?"

I thoroughly enjoyed this K-Cast experience - and am utterly delighted to bring it to you. I know you'll find our conversation around coaching leaders, whether new or seasoned in their role, of value in your own coaching practice.

Remember to click on the title bar to listen - or "right-click" to download it to your computer or mobile device.


Love and Great Joy,


P.S. We're always on the 'lookout' for K-Cast participants! If you're interested in joining me in the fun, send an email today, to:

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Friday, January 09, 2009

Self Care: The Key Ingredient to Getting More Done in Less Time

Happy New Year Magnificent Coaches

I hope that you had a wonderful beginning of your year. I have set some New Year's Intentions (I don't do resolutions anymore), and one of them has to do with the theme of this month's K-cast: Self-Care.

In fact, I am called the Queen of Self-Care by many of my friends.

A few months ago, I was invited by A2A Coaching, to be the guest speaker on their coaching club call. During the call, I revealed how self care is a key ingredient to getting more done in less time.

I have seen the power of the continual process of mastering self-care in my own life, and am excited to share the ideas in this audio with you.

If you would like to set a strong foundation for 2009 and start your year out right, you will find information on how to do just that in this podcast.

Simply click on the title bar to listen to the streaming audio, or right-click to save it to your computer for later listening. This recording is approximately 55 minutes, so it may a little longer to download. Please be patient.


Love and Great Joy,


P.S. We're always on the 'lookout' for K-Cast participants! If you're interested in joining me in the fun, send an email today, to:
