Monday, March 19, 2007

Spiritual Coaching

Please click on the title bar/link, to begin listening to this week's K-Cast. Or, if you prefer, right-click, and download to your computer for later listening! Thank you!

Hello, Magnificent Coaches!

In this newest K-Cast, I am interviewed by Rosemary Davis, who is a student at International Coach Academy. She asked if she could interview me for her research paper and
I thought it would also make a wonderful K-Cast.

Rosemary is a future mentor coach and had some great questions around the subject of spiritual coaching.
  • What is your definition of "Spirituality"?
  • What inspired you to use it as one of your coaching tools?
  • I noticed that you use breathing and visualization techniques as part of your coaching sessions. Why?
  • You have been a coach for 5 years. Can you share with me two examples of outcomes you have experienced with clients?
  • What would you recommend to a coach who wanted to use "Spirituality" as part of their portfolio?
Rosemary, thank you once again for a great interview and for agreeing to let us share it with our K-Cast listeners.

If you'd like to interview me on a topic of your choice, please send an email to Kim Stacey will gladly set a date and time for us!

Love and great joy,

Karen Cappello